architecture education in india

Pramod Balakrishnan from Edifice

Architectural Internship In India – Pramod Balakrishnan Opines

It is important to remember that all through life these kids have always been instructed and evaluated. In the process, most become doers and lack the ability to think for themselves. What they are taught in schools makes them problem-solvers and plan-makers – they understand the process of design as being linear.

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Career Prospects in Architecture – Ujwala Chakradeo

Defining architecture in precise words is a difficult task. Architecture has always been true reflector of prevailing social economic and cultural trends of the society. Not only designs of building but even planning of towns and cities is also found influenced by various social economic and cultural issues like religion rituals and customs, political system trade and commerce, therefore architecture can be rightly called as the mirror of the society. Architecture is one of the earliest professions of the world and has been in the service of humanity from time immemorial. Architecture has been undergoing a process of evolution throughout the successive stages of social development. – Ujwala Chakradeo

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Career in Architecture

Career in Architecture – An advise from experts

Because you have landed up on this page, we assume that you have decided the career of your choice, and, it’s Architecture. Welcome aboard, next five years, or more in some cases, are going to be an adventurous journey for you. It is assumed that you have already gathered the necessary information about the profession and the life that architects and architecture students live. No? Set up an appointment with the best architects in your city, go to all colleges in the vicinity, talk to students, talk to teachers, visit their websites and spend some time at the “college canteen” where you will get some ‘real’ feedback. We have left the job of deciding ‘top ten’ architecture colleges in India to other magazines, we don’t trust. 😉 – Career in Architecture

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